It's an interesting idea. I mean come on I've never even dreamt of a folding trailer and here somebody has actually designed and built one.
To the developer even though they cannot post here. Is it possible to put some swiveling wheels on the front so it can be rolled around in the garage to store it against the wall?
And if you do create a new video I would find a way to shorten the overall length. You could definitely speed up the majority of removing all the panels in the video. Maybe show unlatching and removing of one panel and then a 3 second still shot of the trailer with two panels removed then a shot with three panels removed and on and on. Same with the folding. Show hooking up the strap and the trailer starting to fold. Then as soon as the fenders clear the pavement without dragging on the ground speed up the video to double or triple speed for the rest of the folding.
To dedmiston, I'm curious, is the poster banned from posting on the forum or just prohibited from posting about the folding trailer?