The whole 2-stroke oil thing for storage of any 4-stoke is complete myth. People get by because it has fuel stabilizer added, nothing more. Burning the oil in a 4-stroke serves NO PURPOSE and only creates stink. Ya'll have fun with that...cause its ridiculous.
When I was a teen, I would use and not use Sta-Bil, and every for nearly every motor stored over 4-6 months....Sta-Bil proved itself every time. Then E10 came along, and it was practically required.
Sure, one could run the unit dry and drain the carb, but why bother if you don't need to? And what if you have a steel fuel tank?
If there is a steel tank involved, you also need to take precaution. I had a XR650 with metal tank stored for 6-8 months of the year, until the bottom corners of the tank rotted out from the gas separating and water corroding the tank. End of story.
So in Fall, add a fuel stabilizer to every unit to be stored, FILL THE TANK and make sure its been run for a time with the additive. You will NEVER have a gas problem due to varnish or separation.
25 years of proof in a long list of various gas motors and vehicles, there is no question a good fuel stabilizer is simply good practice.