When we're out and about in 24 foot Class C RV we like to be ready for any type of camping, with FHU or drycamping not being a factor:
- We don't have solar for power because it's not universal enough ... too restrictive on adequate sun availability.
- We have ultra-low flow restrictors on both sink faucets ... so fresh water is just sipped when we drycamp .
- Our small(er) grey tank can be off loaded into the larg(er) black tank if the grey tank fills faster than the black tank.
- We regularly navy shower in our RV - including washing the dog in the shower.
- We have a fairly quiet running 4000 watt built-in generator - fed from the main 55 gallon fuel tank, which can supply the generator for days if needed for full power needs as if we were on full hookups.
- We have an ultra quiet 650 watt Honda portable generator, which can be used for slow battery charging.
- We can idle the main chassis engine - that for all practical purposes "cannot be heard" or felt - for fast battery charging.
- Our refrigerator is propane/electirc - and it keeps ice cream hard and the refrigerator section around 35-37 degrees on only it's medium setting in hot weather.
- Our propane tank is a generous (for a small RV) 18 gallons, so use of the 25,000 BTU furnace to keep the interior of our small motorhome toasty for days is no problem.
- The built-in generator can fully heat the interior using electric heaters if the propane furnace should ever fail.
- With the main engine idling, the cab air-conditioning and heating system can heat or cool the entire interior of our small motorhome should the air conditioner, the furnace, or the built-in generator ... ever fail.
We figure that RV's cost too much for them to not be fully self-contained - and as necessary or desired -> used that way.