What is interesting when you look at full-timers, whether they have money or not, is the modifications they ultimately make to their rig, whether a home-made rig or a production camper/RV.
Most everyone who has any skills or thinks they do ultimately scraps most of the RV amenities and rebuild or replaces them The little plastic nick-knacks and clever RV gimmicks are great for camping, but get old when living in it. Who wants a 1/2 gallon sized bathroom sink? Who wants a little kitchen sink you can't get the pot in? There is never enough counter space. How useless is that little oven? The water tanks are too small. Needs more storage for living in. Too much wasted space, full-timers will make use of every crack and crevice. There are 1,000s of little things individuals will obsess over when having to live in it.
Outside of just a gigantic 5th wheeler with 4 slide outs I just have not seen a production camper that is built for full timing.
Interesting topic to hear what full-timers need that is different from people that camp.