DutchmenSport wrote:
Bucky Badger wrote:
I can't believe all this arguing because some pumps have both diesel and gas nozzles... people think it's their "right" to have those pumps. The combo pumps are for everyone
It's NOT the pumps or islands that are dual gas / diesel, that is NOT the problem. Everyone knows if they are dual, then people needing gas will use them. No one has a problem with THAT! The PROBLEM is those folks who deliberately pull in front of you and take the only pump that IS diesel, when you've been waiting for the previous consumer to finish up. And when you're pulling a behemoth behind you, you just can't move into the spot that FAST sometimes. While moving forward to make sure the behemoth you are towing does not hit anything, some moron pulls into the pump you have been WAITING on! That is the problem!
I highly doubt anyone intentionally pulls in front of you and takes the pump that you are clearly pulling into.
If it's such a colossal issue that is taking such a significant toll on your mental health then perhaps you need to find other gas stations, get a different tow vehicle or perhaps pulling a travel trailer isn't something you should be doIng. Seriously, reading this discussion makes a few of you sound a little nuts...people have to learn to relax!