So here's a follow up almost a year later. I changed the pigtail to a pollack. Still had the problem. It would come and go so I checked all the connections on the backside of the brake plates. A couple were not secured like hey should be so I tie wrapped them. The problem was 98 % gone. Hmmm, so I have a bad connection in one of those bundles - front axle. I got real ambitious and ordered new self adjusting brake kits and drums. I found the problem. It was the wire INSIDE the axle that connects the left brake to the right. It was totally frayed. Securing the wires at the drums just stabilized it. I am really glad I did this. The brakes were in real bad shape. They had cracks running down the middle of each pad, and being 17 years old the hardware was due. New drums too. I found this YouTube after I was done .... Hope this helps someone having similar issues.