Bumpyroad wrote:
pnichols wrote:
Now .... with respect to camping discounts ... the most worthless campng membership we have is Passport America. RARELY do commecial campgrounds honor their supposed 50% discount - there's always some excuse at campgrounds as to why our Passport America isn't honored. What a waste. :(
total nonsense.
but I always suggest to folks that they check the web site for locations/conditions/etc. If you can't save the pittance to sign up with PA which is about 2 nights use, you just aren't trying or it is not right for you.
We're signed up with PA on a multi-year membership. HOWEVER, we don't "search intentionally" for PA campgrounds ... we choose camping spots based on where we are at the time (... and BTW we're not into "resort campgrounds", either).
It's just that usually the campgrounds that we pick either wind up not being a PA CG ... or are a PA CG, but for a variety of excuses don't happen to honor the PA discount "at that time". Baloney!!
PA needs to modify their contracts with campgrounds (and charge more for memberships if that'll help their business model) such that when you pull into a PA campground, you can COUNT ON getting the discount ... regardless of the day or season. Now that I could get excited about!