Slowmover wrote:
A CB is a worthy start for mobile radio. And there’s no need to skimp on a high-quality installation. Next to none of you has heard or used such (point being,
Started playing with CB in 1963. First license started out 18QA(forget the last 3 letters). Soon after went to the conventional CB licensing of KNK4413. We ran CB on the farm with a base station in the house and mobiles in the trucks, tractors, combines. And used some very good antennas on all. Stayed with CB on the farm operation but then went to business band which had a repeater 3 miles from the farm. That worked until the govt took the band freqs. Now using GMRS with a repeater which works OK for our use on the farm.
An Icom-718 or a Yaesu ft450d aren’t terrifically expensive as starters for Amateur, especially used. Have a look and see if either appeal. (It’s the antenna system where things get more complicated ).
Both are good basic radios. A good used 718 will run $350-$400. 450D $150 or so more. Both need either a power supply or run off a battery.
I've run both. I like the layout of the 450D but my 718 had a bit better receive. Now the 718 is taken when camping or CW at home and backup to my main.
Both require a ham license. Tech class will only get limited phone out of either.