There is a purposal to expand Tech phone ability but currently I think (Been a long time and several rule changes) 10 meters and up have Tech Phone Ten Meters is next door to 11 Meters (CB) by the way and often about the same performance wise.
My license .. Well I have the top license (Extra Class) but I do not normally use the extra only parts of the band .. Mostly I got it because I could. :)
I do use the 75 meter part of the bands (3.5 MHz) in fact I should be there now.
(But I'll wait till tomorrow)
When the bands are good (And rumor is they are improving but I do not see it yet) it's a ton of fun. Right now it's more challanging but still fun.
Another thing about Ham Radio.
in these days of COVID nightmare when people are holed up and not going out much. I still chat daily with several friends.. Kind of a coffee club. Only I'm on Lower Michigan's eastern shore. (St. Clair River side) Hank is on the Lake Michigan Shore (All the way across the state) Dave's in Virgina Beach Virginia.. We have a group member in Canada. one in Ohio. You get the picture... We still have our morning coffee group.. and maintain social distance with no problem.