ah heartburn, how I loathe you!
fwiw I've been suffering from severe and chronic nausea and heartburn since November and just got dx with a massive case of h pylori bacteria.
I underwent surgery, chemo and radiation this past summer and fall, so we assume my immune system couldn't fight the bacteria and they colonized my belly.
first of all---eew.
there I said it.
second, this stuff is dangerous and I sure don't need another cancer!
normal western medicine treatment is massive antibiotics, but this bacteria is becoming anti biotic resistant, so that's no good.
at all.
my doctor is treating me with a two week regimen of full dose pepto bismal four times a day. it's enough to make me throw up, and the side effects mean I cant leave the camper, but I think i'm getting better already.
eight more days to go and I intend to come away from my dr apt with a clean bill of health.