Some years ago I proposed that in areas like the tinder dry west, for remote cabins or any other structure a watering, if you will fire fighting system or spray system on the home and out around the home. Read a few years later that some were doing it. A water source: a pool, a stream or pond and of course any municipal water liens, if there are any, which would be stressed in a wildfire.
They have commercial sprayers designed for this or at least fit the bill. Not plastic or flimsy built, designed to last decades. In one article they discussed how they had hidden metal lines to the roof, placement of the sprinklers and how far they would spray and coverage of area. The walls of the house or cabin also had sprayers directed at some of the fro the ground that also covered the yard, or part of it, and clearing the yard of trees that had a fall lien to close to the home.Water pumps with plenty of capacity and pressure..and power generators, in enclosure secure from any firestorm. A lot of trouble, read expense, but well worth it if it saves a huge investment and your home.
You wold think People out west would be smart enough to have come up with this kind of idea decades ago and that it would be in widespread use, but apparently it is not!