valhalla360 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Be sure to have some water on board for travel day of if the Parks water goes down.
Good point...even if you aren't moving.
This spring we were pushing ahead of normal camp opening as soon as they had the water going. Then a week later, they had a system leak and shut it down for a few days.
It was a minor nuisance for us (just watching our consumption a bit). Friends who came in at the same time were struggling as they only had a couple gallon jugs that they would take up town. When we found out, we did let them borrow our 5 gal water jug.
or you get to a campsite where the water is potable, but not really something drinkable or useable because of the taste or minerals. Then it is nice to have a full tank of good water on hand.
And we have on multiple occasions been to campgrounds where storms took out power and water or had water system down for one reason or another. Again nice to have a full tank of water.
And finally, with a full tank of water, when we pull into a site, we level unhook, put out the slides, awning, and chairs and then sit down and relax. usually don't bother hooking up water or power till the next day at the earliest.