Proverbs 23:7 says "For as a man thinks in his heart so is he." Said another way, Henry Ford used to tell his managers "If you think you can or if you think you can't your right." I just went camping up in the White Mtns of NH with my two GS's and hiked a Mtn that used to take me 1 hr and 15 mins to hike and now took 1 hr and 30 mins. My oldest GS who is 21 had a hard time and was behind me the 16 year old was ahead of me, but we all made it to the top. In my 40's and 50's I used to run the trail down, in my 70's now it was hard just to walk down with out my knees giving out and falling which I did several times. We all think and age differently and have to sometimes adjust. If you have a 40 ft DP or large 5th wheel now and feel uncomfortable driving it maybe a small trailer or Class C is a solution to keep you going longer.