Turned 67 this year (2/3 done--expect to see my 100th b-day) and feel and behave like I'm 50. I walk a lot and always take stairs (skipping elevators), and love my whisky and IPAs. I work 5-6 hours a day and enjoy life's precious moments. My waist is 33" and do 25 pushups each morning.
My buddy is 52 and looks so much older than me: wrinkles on face, crepe like skin, floppy chin, very little muscle mass and pushing 220 lbs. Drinks red wine and when he picks up things from the floor--he does so with great drama by dropping to one knee and struggles to stand back up, grunting all the way.
It takes me less than 45 minutes to setup my TT when we go camping (awning down and chairs out), and about an hour to pack up. Last week, for the 1st time, I forgot to raise the TT steps. LOL, joked with wifey, guess I'm done RVing.
I easily see myself camping for the next decade plus, but I don't see my buddy ever camping--he can't handle it. BTW, the callous on my hands are from 50 years of using a pen, pencil and keyboard, not from twisting wrenches.
To answer your question--it depends.