Ro646a wrote:
I asked a similar question for a different reason.
I am contemplating whether or not I have enough driving years left to make
the move to newer motorhome.
Sort of makes sense why you asked the question.
However, nobody here is going to be able give you an exact answer, only opinions based on their own experiences.
The fact that you have asked the question makes it seem that you are unsure and only you know the reason(s) for being unsure.
Driving a RV takes physical and mental strength and as we all age both will change, you need to take that into consideration.
My Dad towed a 5th wheel up into his late 80's, he only stopped after my Mom refused to take any more trips with him. He was diagnosed with Dementia in his early 80's, was losing eyesight to Macular degeneration, was totally deaf in one ear and better than 50% deaf in the other ear.
Even though he stopped towing he still insisted on driving locally, it wasn't until after he wrecked his car multiple times, us kids finally managed to wrangle his keys away to his vehicles around age 88, he passed at 93. His Dementia prevented him from realizing there was something wrong with himself, everything was someone else caused those accidents..
A few folks here may poke fun at your question, but for myself after living through that nightmare, it was living he double toothpicks and not a laughing matter..
If you know you are good now and are able to enjoy a new RV for even a yr, why not.. But if what you have works fine for you and your current rig is in good condition why bother replacing?