Mar-22-2017 07:14 PM
2005 GulfStream Ultra Supreme, 1 Old grouch, 1 wonderful wife, and two silly poodles.
Mar-24-2017 03:58 PM
Mar-23-2017 06:57 PM
2005 GulfStream Ultra Supreme, 1 Old grouch, 1 wonderful wife, and two silly poodles.
Mar-23-2017 05:53 PM
Johno02 wrote:
At least there is a much cheaper product available at Walmart, but what they hve is not what I am using. And I am controlling pretty good with the Lantus and humalog combination that I am using. I am getting some assistance from Medicare Part D, so I am able to manage so far, but I am just trying to explore options before when Congress sticks it to us again. When the part D donut hole was lowered, the conpanies tripled the prices. I fully expect them todo that again. OK, I am Ranting again, and my blood pressure is rising, so I'll quit. Thanks to everyone for the replys.
Mar-23-2017 05:49 PM
2005 GulfStream Ultra Supreme, 1 Old grouch, 1 wonderful wife, and two silly poodles.
Mar-23-2017 05:45 PM
I am a type 1, and have a insulin pump. 2 years ago I started using Canadarx for insulin. They faxed a form to my Dr. They put your credit card on file, and shipped it to me in a foam cooler. Seems like I got 6 viles for under $300.00 but don't quote me on the price. Used Novalog. No problems at all.
Mar-23-2017 03:02 PM
Mar-23-2017 08:27 AM
Mar-23-2017 03:06 AM
Mar-22-2017 09:37 PM
Mar-22-2017 09:01 PM