Ralph Cramden wrote:
covered wagon wrote:
10 Years ago a car wiped out the side of my clients new Fifth wheel. I was there to do the repairs to the landscaping and repair the part of his home that was damaged. Progressive refused to cover the guys fifth wheel when they found out the driver was trying to commit suicide when the crash happened.
My client worked so very hard and should have been retired, but he had this strong dream of RVing, so he stayed on till it was paid for, but Progressive caused him so much stress over this he got a stroke that hurt his vision.
I will never go Progressive even if you bought it for me. I'm sorry about my rant but my client was a real good guy and it got me real miffed.
This makes no sense. Someone committing vehicular termination hits someones home and RV parked at same, and the insurance does not pay because its a suicide?
Which party had Progressive? Did you client have homeowners? Because thats what should of covered his RV and home in that situation. The carrier of the homeowners would of then went to battle with the carrier of the suicidee. (new word?)
If the suicidees insurance was Progressive, and they attempted or actually skated out on the claim, any other carrier would of done the same in that situation most likely.
By the way, I'm not defending Progressive, have had them for 9 years on two vehicles and the trailer, and right now am not too happy with them. You know that "Accident Forgiveness" they tout? Have an at fault and it a try, but hope you don't have as much as one small violation on your record, like 5mph over. Also be ready because even if your rate does not increase because you met the terms of the accident forgiveness, what you pay is going up 30%-40% regardless because you will lose the "accident free discount" and the "safe driver discount" for the next 3 years at least. Ironically I tried to jump ship and they still have the best rates, and I have priced them all both direct when able,and through agents and brokers. What a racket.
Home insurance will never cover physical damage on your RV. Ever.
If it was the other guys policy, then the owner of the fifth wheel should of had their own collision policy to cover them regardless.
Since his friend didn't commit suicide I assume he had a paid off fifth wheel and didn't insure it for physical damage because that is the only thing that makes sense given the third party commentary which probably isn't accurate.