Our Michigan Registration was NOT cancelled nor suspended while on storage insurance. Renued all our vehicle's registrations on December 27th, 2019 as my birthday is in early February and we are out of state then so even the truck we pull the 5th wheel with would be in Florida and with an expired registration. Done this for as long as I can remember.
Of note: We also do a temporary change of address to our Daughter's home address 2.8 miles from ours active until the written specified date and is then auto returned back to our home address. All our mail is forwarded there while we are gone and on the date set it appears in our mail box again like clockwork. Our banks and all insurance's are also given written notice of our temporary address change and why. Never had one problem yet in so many years.
Also our Sheriff's department is notified in writting (email) that we will be gone from X to X and they do a daily patrol of our property. It's done generally with retired county deputies. It's a free service and most snowdodgers here opt for it.
Hint, my younger Brother was a deputy for years for the county and we know the ropes. All our neighbors and our daughter and our grand kids too also keep an eye on our property also. We do live in a very low crime area of the state which is nothing like in the Detroit/SE state area. We have family (3) that live in the SE Michigan area - White Lake, Milford, and Howell and I spent nearly a hundred days a year in the area for my auto engineering business I owned and know the area and what it's like well. Our cable TV and garbage service are put on vacation status (3 months max) and the electric power co is also notified as is the natural gas co. Big savings and amounts to more than the cost of our diesel fuel for our entire annual trip and one months Florida CG cost too.