Our vents all have shutters to control flow or distribution.
Some one with a bit of engineering,here could devise, as, all the components are available maybe with some modification, to thermostatically control the shutters, in each room or more compactly at the output from the heat pumps.
I am not aware, of any mfg doing that. Perhaps the Prevosts and some Newmars do.
No rocket science involved, just some get up and go, and very little money.
Another thing to look at, as has been discussed before, is to check your duct work, from and to the heat pumps and at the vents,, for leaks.
Last year Coleman at an RV rally came to our aid when fan on main heat pump slid down shaft and seized in the pan.
Prior to that, it was a challenge to keep cool when very warm or warm when very cool, without using the furnaces.
At the exit vents pieces, of aluminum backed fiberglass board, which the duct was made of, were just inserted with large gaps allowing over half to go into the ceiling, at everyone of the vents and cooling the coach
At the intakes of the heat pumps, same situation with already cooled air being drawn back in and cooled again instead into duct work and out the vents During low and sometimes auto, settings, particularily during damp weather. This encouraged freezing and locking up the heat pump and the coach was not being cooled.Since that time it is like a meat locker at 100 degrees outside, if the thermostat sticks.
So the cheap fix if you already don't have sliding shutters on your vents find some and change. More importantly perhaps or equally is get a large roll of aluminum duct tape and fix any leaks.
Third if you have the time or have some friends at a get together and develop a shutter system controlled by thermostats, or controlled at output of heat pumps.
That will take a bit more including measuring, power to small shutter servos and wires to thermostats in different zones. Integrating zone thermostats to kick the units on so that zone or all zones are heated or cooled, is not hard either.
I wish there was a one stop for all this including insulating caps the factory didn't think necessary.