My reference to the Supreme Court was not in regards to The Affordable Care Act. I clearly stated it was in regards to the Citizens United Case. That is the one that opened up the political contribution flood gates from corporations and all sorts of thinly veiled sources.
Citizens United v. Federal Election CommissionI have not at all forgotten that The Affordable Care Act has undergone many transformations including the one imposed by The Supreme Court. That is the part of the problem with what is occurring with this fiasco now. There was a great deal of debate and compromise regarding this issue prior to it's passage. That is why the politicians who now say that the President is unwilling to compromise are out of line. The compromise on this issue was done. There is a faction within the Republican Party who have made no secret that their agenda is to abolish this law. I'm OK with their right to do that, I just have a problem with their methods. They know full well that the President cannot and will not capitulate. That being the case it is obvious that their intent is to disrupt the democratic process and throw our government into turmoil. There are things about The Affordable Care Act that concern me however it was passed in a fair vote and as such it should be funded and allowed to move forward and either succeed or fail on it's own.
I too would like to see the parks reopen but as far as this piece meal approach I do not agree with it. It is just another way of playing a political game. The Senate sent a clean CR to the House they should vote on it. If it passes fine if it doesn't then you work it out until you can agree. Under no circumstances should a piece of legislation that has already been passed and upheld be singled out in this manner.
monkey44 wrote:
Passed laws don't mean diddly-squat unless funded.
Yes and no. Passing them does create the obligation for Congress to fund them. This was part of the debate prior to passage. It is time to move past all of that and get on with running our country and keeping our government viable.