Forum Discussion

CGXterra's avatar
Nov 30, 2013

Leaking sunroof on slideout

Hello. I'm currently on vacation and ran into a problem with my rig. I have a sunroof in my slideout that, upon close inspection, I have found is simply taped? down over the hole in the slideout. It looks like some doublesided insulation tape was run around the hole and the glass was simply set down on the tape. The tape is letting go on one end and water comes in when it's raining. I don't know what I should to do fix it in the short term and when I do get home I want to do something more permanent. With the window on the slideout, whatever I do has to stand up to being pushed and pulled under the gasket for the slideout.

Thanks in advance, hope everyone is having good holidays.

  • If it is dry....just use some Dicor around the skylight. Make sure the area is clean first.
  • Appreciate your responses folks.

    That video will help.

    I didn't want the skylight but it came with the camper.

    One of those things that's going to be on the deal breaker list for the next rig.
  • I've always tried never to put a hole in a perfectly good roof. What brand of RV is this? That's just looking for trouble, crazy.
  • I would see if I could use eternabond on it. You may fine eternabond to be a permanent fix. Be sure to prep the area very well. Roll the eternabond well before putting slide back in first time.