mike-s wrote:
down home wrote:
The Chinese, often, do not manufacture things, within tolerances, of our equipment designs.
I intend, to use, LEDs on exterior lights, Haven't thus far, as there is six, on each side, for taillights, in individual housings. They replaced one, some time ago, and the housing cracked. 282.00 per housing, from American Coach.
One reason, we want to change, is we're having head lights rewired and driving lights redone, so we can see, and expect electrical load to go up on the alternator, so counter that, with LEDs consuming less elsewhere.
You have a problem with your keyboard. The comma (,) key is inserting characters at random.
I have nerve damage, in several fingers, of both hands. Somehow letters on left side of keyboard land before the right hand when they should not,and bounced keys or double letters happen frequently and punctuation lands after intended or before, even though hit key right, Not enough force or too little or delay in hitting.
I correct when I see it but sometimes welll.....