Forum Discussion

PaficPine's avatar
Sep 09, 2020

Minimum recommended ground clearance

We replaced the tow vehicle and needed to buy a longer shank for the weight distribution hitch (longer drop, since the current TV is taller). Of course, I bought it a bit too long. What is the minimum recommended ground clearance under load? Fwiw, it used to be 10", now it is only 8.5". Will not travel off-road with the trailer, but am concerned about potholes.

Thank you!
  • If you can get 8.5" of suspension compression hitting a pothole, you need to seriously re-evaluate your driving style. Driving that hard, you are likely to arrive at the campsite dragging a travel trailer tongue A-frame and a few splinters of wood. The rest you'll find smashed to pieces along the route.
  • i did that and gained 2". But in order to save 2 more", I would have to cut through welding. I read that it is a big "no-no".