What happened? Insurance.
Who has $50k to "Level 3 Hazmat Remediate" mold? Somebody won a lawsuit against insurance company, now many exclude mold on their policies.
Second thing, Flooding and the Media.
People built in Mississippi river bed, houses flooded (duh!), and then expected insurance to replace and remove every spec of dust, dirt, mold, etc.
Third thing, "Black Mold"
Dark, deadly, secret cause of all health problems, sneaks up on you at night, carries your children off into the forest...
Not saying mold isn't a bad thing, but if you believe all the hype, you'd never step outside of your padded rooms for fear a giant ball of blue ice from an airplane toilet is going to get you!
OP- Go to Home Depot, ask to see their mold removal products, and use them. Much better than bleach. Can be DIY with reasonable cost and precautions.