Mich F wrote:
Scottiemom wrote:
Yeah, I read that, Mich F. I said that the 14-day limit should extend to ALL campers, not just tenters. While the tent rule will take care of some elements of the problems they have, there is no rule regarding the driveability and condition of units. They sometimes have motorized units towed in because they don't run and then they sit there for 180 days.
Yes, I've seen a number of "RVs" there that look like they might not have made it in under their own power. I think they're not applying that 14 day limit to non tent campers is because of the number of snowbirds there every year.
Long Point park which I mentioned earlier never seems to have the problems that Wickham has. I believe that's mainly because of it's so out of the way location. They are also loaded with snow birds every winter.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right about that. We've not camped at Long Point because Wickham is so convenient to our son's. We've camped a couple times at Manatee Hammock on our way down and really like it. We've not noticed any problems there, but then, we only stayed a night or two.