Problem with the "hockey puck" adapters as mentioned above, is that unless you maintain it and make sure the contact surfaces are clean and shiny, it *can* overheat under higher current draw. Dogbone style adapters can do the same thing at the end that plugs into a pedestal or recept. at home. But if a puck style also has dirty contacts in the recept. side and poor contact, it can heat up more than a dogbone style can due to close proximity of the line & load sides of the adapter.
I only use a puck style adapter at home when I've moved our TT in front of the house the evening before a trip to keep the fridge on electric. (It's normally plugged into 30 amps in the carport.)
One thing you should always do is make sure the power you are plugging into is off or the main breaker in the RV is off otherwise over time it will cause pitting and dirt buildup on the contact surfaces of an adapter and overheat. Always keep your shore power cord plug blades clean and shiny.
One thing to know about pedestal recepts. is that sometimes they can be in really rough shape due to frequency of use and they abuse they get (esp. in 30 amp recepts.) I carry a 30 to 30 amp dogbone adapter for times when the pedestal recept. is clearly in bad shape and there is no option of moving elsewhere. This way *if* the connection to the pedestal overheats, hopefully only the adapter will will go up in smoke & flames. I've seen a couple of pics of shore power cords melted beyond oblivion for several feet away from a pedestal tho.