tim and amy wrote:
To Ben and the other engineers. What is the durometer of the urathane that andersen is using? Do you know the specifics? A modeling program without those factors are bogus in my opinion.
Agree, but don't know the spring rate vs compression (durometer)
Way back towards the early pages there was an exchange between Ron
and John where they calculated the spring force based on the Andersen
manual (number of turns and am guessing they looked at the thread pitch)
That is the static loading, but the dynamic loading can be much, much
higher. Especially during whoopee-dos where the Andersen WD system
sees additional compression of those bushings.
Again, that then has all of those forces on the set screws...and...the
coupler latch...
As for the other, traditional WD systems...their brackets has a different
angle of attack for their spring systems.
Andersen has them longitudinally and the traditional WD's has them
90* (vertical) and the brackets do NOT see anywhere near the longitudinal
forces that the Andersen system sees
Issue with any simulation program is where it has the completeness of DB
and the parameters (both static and dynamic) dialed in right.