General consenses is there probably NO BETTER OTA Antenna then the WINGARD BATWING. Your 05 model probably does not have the UHF DIPOLES which are available from AMAZON and can be added very easy. This improves the reception of the new DIGITAL OTA FREQUENCY plan for NATL BROADCAST TV stations.
Your OTA ANTENNA should like this google photo...

This ANTENNA is pointing to the right of the photo...
I have tried the KINGS JACK ANTENNA which will mount on the crankup assy with just the two bolts shown and just connect the original RG cable. This worked better in some place but over all was the same and the BATWING for me. The BATWING with its longer main Elements maybe was better for me when camping off the power grid.

This JACK ANTENNA is pointing to the right of the google photo
There are several low profile omni-directional antennas on the markek which suffer big time for more distance reception. These would definitely not work for us for the OFF THE POWER GRID out in the woods places we like to go to.

We use our BATWING OTA antenna all the time even when we are campgrounds with CABLE TV connections. The DIGITAL NATL BROADCAST 'CLEAR ANTENNA' TV signals is transmitted to the public for free and is full blown HIGH DEFINITION DIGITAL TV. Alot of the campground cable connections is still using converted ANALOG TV signals.
The LOCAL TOWNS that transmit CLEAR HDTV signals are allowed to have six channels and you can find alot of other things in addition the NATL BROADCAST main station. Most have a full time 24/7 RADAR going from the local area which is great for us in our OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer.
We always get many digital HDTV signals to view from our BATWING antenna just about everywhere we go. You do have be almost pointing directly towards the DIGITAL HDTV CLEAR STATIONs as with digital TV it either works 100% great quality or nothing at all - Not like the old analog TV SIGNALS days where you could pick up a snowy picture screen and rotate the antenna to 'TUNE IN IT BETTER'...
Roy Ken