MetalGator wrote:
WTP-GC wrote:
My guess is that the OP came on to this forum for answers to questions related to RV brands and models...wait...that's not a guess because its exactly what they said. Nowhere did the OP ask for life advice, family counseling, or a lesson on economics. Yet, similar to many other threads, those responding assume they know more than they do and use that false knowledge to "preach" at the OP. If they wanted that advice, they probably would seek it somewhere besides a RV forum.
I agree 100% Lots of judgemental people on this forum.
OP Said "Is anyone willing to offer advice as we begin this new journey?" He did not say purchase, he said journey!
As we have all traveled the country in our RVs we have most likely all stayed in a park where families were living in RV's. If it made the same impression on you as it did to us, then your would be posting similar advise, to proceed carefully. And to consider the situation that you are putting your children in.
I would call this life style as a last resort, as it has appeared to us in several encounters that is exactly what it is/was, a last resort. This life style in not going to give a child a leg up in life. Chris