Me Again wrote:
MetalGator wrote:
WTP-GC wrote:
My guess is that the OP came on to this forum for answers to questions related to RV brands and models...wait...that's not a guess because its exactly what they said. Nowhere did the OP ask for life advice, family counseling, or a lesson on economics. Yet, similar to many other threads, those responding assume they know more than they do and use that false knowledge to "preach" at the OP. If they wanted that advice, they probably would seek it somewhere besides a RV forum.
I agree 100% Lots of judgemental people on this forum.
As we have all traveled the country in our RVs we have most likely all stayed in a park where families were living in RV's...This life style in not going to give a child a leg up in life.
I don't think any of us are in the position to unequivocally say that. There are many families all over the country that are doing this exact same thing. I'd rather raise my kids in a pop-up camper going from campsite to campsite vs. having to live in some of communities that exist in our city. Sure it would get a little cramped, but I'll take that any day over the automatic drug and crime exposure that is guaranteed to happen to children who grow up in these bad neighborhoods.
As a side note, I know a man who grew up in a large family...dirt poor and barely even had clothes to wear. He lived and slept on the family's porch. All he ever wanted to have was a house with AC. Fast forward 50 years and he's one of the wealthiest people I know. If he would have had even as good a situation as being raised in a camper, maybe he wouldn't have had the drive he did to become as successful as he is.