Jan-06-2019 07:24 PM
Jan-09-2019 03:40 AM
Jan-08-2019 07:46 PM
Jan-08-2019 09:06 AM
Me Again wrote:MetalGator wrote:WTP-GC wrote:
My guess is that the OP came on to this forum for answers to questions related to RV brands and models...wait...that's not a guess because its exactly what they said. Nowhere did the OP ask for life advice, family counseling, or a lesson on economics. Yet, similar to many other threads, those responding assume they know more than they do and use that false knowledge to "preach" at the OP. If they wanted that advice, they probably would seek it somewhere besides a RV forum.
I agree 100% Lots of judgemental people on this forum.
As we have all traveled the country in our RVs we have most likely all stayed in a park where families were living in RV's...This life style in not going to give a child a leg up in life.
Jan-08-2019 08:46 AM
tommyznr wrote:
If this is an option that you still find intriguing after all this odd advise, then it is still worth exploring. I recommend sliding on over to the full timer forum and asking there. It seems some posters here don’t realize that full timing is a thing.
Jan-08-2019 08:06 AM
jim1521 wrote:
Don't be discouraged. ...
Once you've done that, THEN sit down and think about executing on the plan.
Are you handy with tools?
Can you fix things yourself?
Do you have the time and tools to fix things yourself?
If you can answer YES to those questions, consider buying a used (1-4 years old) 5th wheel. It will be much easier to sell a 5th wheel than it will be to sell a Park model (see 5 Year Business Plan above).
Jan-08-2019 06:55 AM
Jan-08-2019 05:36 AM
MetalGator wrote:WTP-GC wrote:
My guess is that the OP came on to this forum for answers to questions related to RV brands and models...wait...that's not a guess because its exactly what they said. Nowhere did the OP ask for life advice, family counseling, or a lesson on economics. Yet, similar to many other threads, those responding assume they know more than they do and use that false knowledge to "preach" at the OP. If they wanted that advice, they probably would seek it somewhere besides a RV forum.
I agree 100% Lots of judgemental people on this forum.
Jan-08-2019 04:50 AM
WTP-GC wrote:
My guess is that the OP came on to this forum for answers to questions related to RV brands and models...wait...that's not a guess because its exactly what they said. Nowhere did the OP ask for life advice, family counseling, or a lesson on economics. Yet, similar to many other threads, those responding assume they know more than they do and use that false knowledge to "preach" at the OP. If they wanted that advice, they probably would seek it somewhere besides a RV forum.
Jan-08-2019 02:15 AM
Jan-07-2019 08:56 PM
MNGeeks61 wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:Tyler0215 wrote:
You are struggling with student loan debt, but you have a budget 55k for a new RV? Whats wrong with this picture?????
x2 plus his profile links to an rv park. lol
Jan-07-2019 01:24 PM
Jan-07-2019 12:43 PM
ShoalsChiro wrote:
. . . The 55k budget was going to be used via the sale of our current house we live in. We were going to take that money, and put it towards an RV. This knocks out a mortgage payment, water payment, utilities payment. . .
Jan-07-2019 12:08 PM
Jan-07-2019 12:07 PM