FunnyCamper wrote:
I don't race thru my life for anyone. And I don't ever expect anyone to do it for me.
Double amen.
This insistence on following a prescribed routine to dump tanks that many profess to be strictly regimented, and rain hell fire on those that dare to digress from said procedure reminds me of a particular Seinfeld episode.
From Wikipedia:
Jerry, George and Elaine patronize a new soup stand Kramer has been praising. Jerry explains that the owner, Yev Kassem, is known as the "Soup Nazi" due to his temperament and insistence on a strict manner of behavior while placing an order.
At the soup stand, George tells the cashier that he didn't receive any bread with his order. Kassem says bread is two dollars. George complains that other customers received free bread, to which Kassem first responds by saying the bread is now three dollars, then decrees "No soup for you!" George's order is quickly taken away, and his money returned.
The Soup Nazi is the nickname of the eponymous character, Yev Kassem, played by Larry Thomas. The term "Nazi" is used as an exaggeration of the excessively strict regimentation he constantly demands of his patrons.
A stone-faced immigrant chef with a thick Stalin-esque moustache, he is renowned throughout Manhattan for his soups. He demands that all customers in his restaurant meticulously follow his strict queuing, ordering, and payment policies. Failure to adhere to his demands brings the stern admonition ("No soup for you!"), whereupon the customer is refunded and denied his or her order. He will then yell at the top of his lungs to the next person in line, "Next!"
Lots of Soup Nazi's on here.