I'm anal on vehicle maintenance especially engine oil and filters.
Back in the '50s and '60s carburetor era mainly due to poor engine oils and engine oil contamination from poor engine mfg proceses we had 2k-3k oil/filter change service recommendations.
However with todays much much better engine oils and tight machine specs in the engine mfg process changing engine oil at 2k-3k miles is a waste of a precious resource.
Myself I go by the engine makers recommendations on all nine private use trucks I've owned......like my '03 Dodge/Cummins 305/555 HO HPCR engine. Cummins gives it a 7500 heavy service or a 15000 mile normal service oil change interval. At 318k miles and 15w-40 Rotella its worked fine. Blackstone engine oil analysis every 50k miles says keep doing what your doing.
My other gas and diesel trucks in commercial service I used their service recommendations also. I know many doing this type work may run a 15k-20k oil change schedule with a filter change at every 10k miles. Todays engine and oils/filters allows many operators to run their truck up to the 300k-400k miles before time to swap.