rI have always pulled off the road when I get in a spot like that...
Short funny story:
When I was in college we had a "Bad weather" Morning.
I'm in my Physics Professor's office which he shares with Chemistry and Biology.
Some classmates come in and want him to cancel the afternoon LAB due to the weather (Roads had long been cleared by road comission)
I told them I got there at 7:30 same as always, Made the first pot of coffee in teh student center (which opened at 8am) They reminded me I only lived a short distance away (Bought 1 mile) and I walked.
I told them "Mr. Thorton (Biology) Was sitting here smoking his pipe when I walked past at 7:30 "Well he probble lives across the road"
NO. He lived in Colon, MI, Magic Capitol of the world. home of Abbot's Magic Factory. (College was Cornflake U (Kellogg Community) in Battle Creek, about an hour out of Colon)
Well he likely lives on the main road.. No again.
I've driven past his house, in a Ford F-350 Custom (10,000 pound Max GVW StrAight truck) and the trees were slaping the mirrors.. IN STEREO the road is that wide.. When the school bus came the other way we pulled off into the ditch to let them pass).
Oh the punch line.. Mr. Thorton drives a JEEP.