If a park is not open, how does it know it will not fill, or at least get enough camping revenue to upkeep the sites? Especially in temperate climates.
And, as long as some parks pay a reservation fee to outside contractors we can't use that money to hire workers. There must be a large profit in reservations, otherwise no corporation would do it. So, when management says, "NO FUNDS", it's because they give it away. I believe we (any park) should open, and give people work that need it in the off season, even if it only breaks even. The parks stays open and clean, people get work, and campers can camp.
An example, a little different, but illustrates the point.
We had a volunteer BOD running our snack-bar for summer baseball league for about fifteen years. Made about $5K-$8K per season for the teams. BOD decided to outsource the snack bar, and did. New snack bar contract paid $800 to the league. BOD said, at least we get income. BOD decided it was too lazy to run the snack bar - which only took two people per game (25 games - BOD was 25 adults, so two games each) so the team (kids) lost the difference between $5k and $800 ... that's a incidental incident of sub contracting work.... IT's never less expensive due to insurance, labor, training, profit, and all the other components.
IT's most often about convenience, but NOT about lack of funds. We could have HIRED people to run it, and still made money for the teams.