Grit, the most important aspect to remember is to make sure that you have a roll(s) in a properly secured, waterproof storage bag(s) to prevent moisture from entering. (I prefer the Glad 1 Gallon Freezer Bags, DON'T take a chance with cheap, off brand, generic storage bags. Only use FREEZER bags!..)
I mean, what would you do if you hit a tree limb and ripped your roof? Would over/under matter if it was raining, which it most likely would be as it obscured your vision causing you to not see the limb that ripped off your roof in the first place?
Are you willing to take that chance???
Wet paper is wet paper, my friend, and rendered useless upon contact with any wet substance...
What happens if some coworkers are over after work and have a few too many adult beverages and therefor loose their aiming capacity??
Do you really want to chance wet paper??? I think not...
The proper answer is to have a roll in a proper sealed bag, in every room of your rv, the trunk of your car, glove compartment, your bug out bag, you briefcase, etc... I cannot express the importance of this enough!!
Don't fall victim as so many do each day! Wet paper is not even useful as a fire starter. Our landfills are full with people having no choice except to discard the useless wet paper!...
Don't be a part of the problem! Be smarter than the paper!