I have never had a problem with folks stopping for the night at a WalMart. As a matter of fact when I traveled alone in my van I would stop, not necessarily at WalMart, and catch a few hours of sleep. Whenever I did so i did it as far out of the way and as inconspicuously as possible. However I am recently coming to the conclusion that city ordinances banning it do have some merit. I pass by a local WalMart fairly regularly and have noticed that more and more I am seeing the same rundown campers for days on end not overnighting but closer to camping. I notice that they will be be gone for a week or two and then return again. I have seen folks with slides out taking up needed parking spaces. See some putting out chairs and using barbeques. The litter in that part of the lot is terrible. At times the parking lot starts looking more like a campground for the homeless. Granted I also see some really nice rigs with folks following the unwritten rules. Unfortunately more and more the ones using it as a campground more and more are taking over. So yes I am becoming more and more in favor of ordinances which prohibit any overnight use. Haven't reached that point of pushing for it myself but getting there. Should someone else in the area want to push the issue I most likely would not oppose it.