B.O. Plenty wrote:
I'm not looking for a job. If something came along that I was really interested in I might consider it however. I refuse to sit through some B.S. interview that asks a lot of stupid questions about how I handled different situations while working 15-25 years ago?? I don't remember or care. I guess I could just make something up. I would think the interviewer would take this into consideration. It's not like the job is for a new CEO or something. Many of us old people are just looking for something to do and it seems like a lot of trouble to go through an extensive interview for a pretty menial job. Why not just let us work as a volunteer then pick the best people and hire them??
It sure seems that some people miss the point of hiring workampers. We hire them because we have work that needs to be done. We are not a charity just looking to give money to people. Hence we interview and ask questions that might give us some insight into whether or not a candidate is a good fit for a job. One of the biggest challenges we face is hiring people who do not feel the tasks required are beneath them. Obviously, a person's reluctance to answer questions they feel are beneath them would be a giant red flag that they would be reluctant to perform the tasks required. So asking those dumb questions does serve a purpose.