mowermech wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
navegator wrote:
The State of California does not require a brake system on a towed vehicle as in cars, SUV's, small trucks only on trailers over 1500 pounds, the CHP uses a performance criteria if involved in an accident they add the weight of the towed vehicle to the vehicle towing if combined weights are more than the CCC of the towing vehicle you are in trouble, on the other hand if the towed vehicle has a brake system they consider it a a trailer.
This information comes from the California Highway Patrol as told to me by several Officers that I asked over several years.
I think this is only part true. Calif does require towed vehicle brakes is you can stop a certain distance from a specified speed. A breakaway brake is required on all towed vehicles as I recall.
Lots of info here.
The link does not work....
OOPs, maybe this will work..
Towing A Jeep Redux.Another good thread:
Dinghy Breaks -- and the law?. Especially note the 2nd post by hwybnb. It is worth noting, hwybnb is a CHP.
With all due respect, there are laws in California on towing. I too have ask several CHPs over the years and I have never received the same answer twice. The Vehicle Code book is is exceptionally large. I do not think it reasonable to expect the typical CHP to know it all.
Usually, the mistake is made distinguishing between trailers and towed vehicles. As I recall, it is the trailers that do not require brakes if below 1500 pounds.
It is not an easy read, but important enough I think people should at least try to read the code book if they really want to know.
EDIT: I think maybe the forum software is preventing the link from working.