DutchmenSport wrote:
We have a simple port-a-potty. Basically, it's a bucket with a toilet seat. We use it during the winter months when temps are below 32F and just dump the contents every day into a normal commode with flushing water.
We use the camper at home, almost all winter this way, as the tanks are dry and there is no water in the camper after it's winterized. But no reason why we can't continue to enjoy the camper until temps get so cold, it's just not feasible to heat the camper. That's when we move back into the house.
The simple port-a-potty (bucket with a toilet seat) from Wall Mart works well for us. No smells. Put a 1/4 cup of bleach in the bucket after dumping and a cup of water for a starter, and it will smell like bleach for quite a while. Of course, we dump every day, and flush it in the hosue.
We use the port-a-potty when traveling with no water in the fresh water tank too. Then dump it once we get to our campground.
As tempting as it is at home, since we live in the country, to just let it dump on the ground, we don't. We don't want our own property covered with fecal mater. That's just gross.
This is almost exactly what I do too. Excpet , I put a garbage bag in the port-a-potty and then throw the waste in the dumpster. Maybe it's not legal but, I've never had anyone complain.