Since the OP has been a member for year and has only posted 3 times, I seriously doubt if he will be back to see any of the replies but I'll add my two cents, just in case.
For the record, I went to Camping World on line and searched for "protective tape" and also "clear tape" and got "0" matches for both except for a "Bike Seat Protective Cover", and seriously doubt if that is what he is talking about. Any replies to this question would be, at best, a guess.
Love bugs and other critters??? That's a type of fly, isn't it? What about them....there are millions of other critters out there. Need to be a little more specific.
Does a wax job really help??? Help with what? Wax will provide a shine and a somewhat protective film to help guard against UV light. Will it make it easier to get dead bugs off the paint??? Possibly, I guess.
Screen for truck grill?????
Sorry, reading minds is not one of my fortes so I'm no help here at all.