jplante4 wrote:
rkentzel wrote:
If I call on an ad who might be sitting next to me so really who might that be. If you have an ad why would it be to much trouble to tell me what color it would be. To make fun of a color disability really that is a new low on this board.
Sorry, calling color blindness a disability is insulting to people who have a real disability, such as people who have had their legs blown off by IED in Afghanistan. You can't distinguish black from blue in low light. Ask your other half like I do.
Color blindness is a defect for which there is no cure. I suffer from color-blindness and there is a range of the defect which in deed makes it a disability. Differences in hues to complete lack of color.
Achromatopsia (complete lack of color), tritanopia (blue and yellow hues), protanopia (red and green hues).
I don't make a big deal out of it although it has had an effect on my life over the years. Many people suffer from disabilities which most people cannot detect or see. Be kind to others.