imgoin4it wrote:
I’ve lived in NM for 38 Years and I’ve seen one rattle snake in that was on a county road and an individual was trying to “herd” it across a road with a stick. My wife walks a dog in the desert and watches and stays away from likely habitats but has never seen one. The point is watch for them, be aware but you may never see one.
This is right on. We are hikers and love boondocking in the wilds of the desert. We have never seen a rattlesnake. Yes, they're out there but if you use common sense and watch where you're walking or sitting chances are you'll never see one. In the summer you don't go outside at night without a flashlight & look first before walking. They like to lay on warm surfaces at night like the road or on rocks.
We did, however, see one laying on the blacktop road in Texas.
It's not like they're going to chase you. Just be aware of your surroundings.
By the way, those most bit are men and boys! Recently I read of a guy who picked one up and it bit him so he transferred it to his other hand... got bit twice.
OP: One thing you mentioned was Monument Valley and a trail to Natural Bridge. I could have missed it but I'm not aware of where this would be. There is Natural Bridge Nat'l Monument on UT95 west of Blanding but that's a long way from Gouldings and you wouldn't be walking to it.
We have been to Natural Bridges and hiked the trails which are fun because some involve climbing ladders but didn't see any snakes of any kind.
Relax.... and stop reading about them! :)