gpeade wrote:
BarneyS wrote:
Your salesman was mistaken.
Partly yes I believe he was. That's why I came here for unbiased real life experience based opinions.
From what I have researched, what you are referring to in the model 4. He advised the trailer I was looking at would only require a model 2. This model had round bars that clipped into the hitch head from the bottom. Based on what you fine folks have told me, and my own research on that particular model hitch, the bars sliding on the take up brackets is the only sway control. Which to me don't seem like would provide much resistance for a 3ton trailer.
The 4 point Equal-i-zer WDH is American made, while their E2 hitch only has 2 points of sway control and is made overseas.
The 4 point is mipuch better than the 2 point.
And adding their Bracket Jackets to the L bars, eliminates most of the noise.
Agree that my 4pt Equal-i-zer has been so easy to use and adjust and I've had it for 13 years.