Bumpyroad wrote:
I assume that somebody with that attitude doesn't lock their S&Bs front door when they go on the road?
I think that a ragamuffin strolling thru the campground looking for an easy mark would first spot compartments locked with the old 751 special and ignore a harder target.
Or better yet compartments with no lock at all.
You can't get in the locked front door of my S&B with a screwdriver..:S
Entry doors of S&Bs -and RVs- don't flex like compt doors..:S
The *interior* of an RV or S&B may have *residents* inside.
Locked or not - welcoming committee may be Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson..:W
Inhabitants of storage compts are rather rare.
Every "ragamuffin" has access to a screwdriver.
Although a screwdriver in his pocket might be suspicious to LEOs, it's not probable cause.
Very few strolling ragamuffins are resourceful enough to carry a VERY "obvious" 751key - which *would* be suspicious and lead to other questions.
Ahhhh - where's your RV?
(An owner of almost anything with wheels - from decrepit cars to bicycles can explain away a screwdriver. Ditto for home/apt use.
Ohhhh - forgot I had it in my pocket.)
*If* you are really serious about valuable "stuff" stored in compartments, a metal box (or even plywood) "file drawer style" - that slides out - bolted to the floor and padlocked with an Abus, will defeat any casual thief.
Secure as well as handy.
BTW spent 30 years with lots of LEOs - and several very popular surfing beach campgrounds (So. CA), accessible to *LOTS* of marginal "ragamuffins" of every ilk and type.
Like campers, when the sun is shining - which is most of the year - they're out and about too.
No bumpy roads to get there, either!
Population of LA Co = 10 mil, ORCO = 3 mil.
With the exception of toddlers, bet they all have screwdrivers, ROTFL.
Only know of one RV storage compartment break-in. Screwdriver entry.
Plenty of LEOs are campers too - security conscious, and pay attention to what works and what doesn't.
If upgraded compt locks increase your peace of mind, go for it -
you and the locksmith or RV supply retailer will both be happy..:C