Feb-12-2023 12:21 PM
Jul-21-2023 07:39 PM
yba.bill.linsenmeyer wrote:
Are there any new laws in South Dakota that affect my ability to become a resident, or to vote?
There are no laws on the books that affect anyone’s ability to obtain South Dakota residency or restrict the ability to vote. Some people are pointing to Senate Bill (SB) 139. The only thing that SB 139 does is to slightly change the process for residents to register to vote in South Dakota. What SB 139 does is it sets a thirty (30) day period from the time someone obtains a South Dakota driver's license (and becomes a resident of South Dakota) to when they are able to register to vote. Thirty days after someone obtains their driver’s license, they can then mail in their voter registration form to the Minnehaha County Auditor’s Office. That was the only legislative change made regarding voting in the last legislative session.
Bill Linsenmeyer www.yourbestaddress.com
Jul-21-2023 07:49 AM
May-11-2023 02:56 AM
May-10-2023 10:28 AM
May-10-2023 03:40 AM
May-09-2023 08:10 PM
stickdog wrote:valhalla360 wrote:stickdog wrote:
Strange so many against democracy and the right to vote. Hell, Walaby wants only land owners to be able to vote. Do I see any hands for a poll tax? Hey we tried that allowing women to vote how is that working? Glad this bunch isn't writing the voting laws.
Lots of hyperbole but ethically, should you be voting in a location where you don't reside (reside in reality not by legal technicality).
Certainly not for local elections and even national elections are questionable since it dilutes the votes of actual residents for federal representation. This is particularly an issue in lower population states where a few thousand out of state voters can sway statewide elections.
I don't have to follow your imagined ethics on my voting preference the state cannot take my vote away. I'm surprised not a single response has consulted the constitution. I know it's an old document and many would like to tear it up and I am totally surprised so many have views on this site want to shred it. Who knew?
May-09-2023 02:19 PM
May-09-2023 01:13 PM
valhalla360 wrote:stickdog wrote:
Strange so many against democracy and the right to vote. Hell, Walaby wants only land owners to be able to vote. Do I see any hands for a poll tax? Hey we tried that allowing women to vote how is that working? Glad this bunch isn't writing the voting laws.
Lots of hyperbole but ethically, should you be voting in a location where you don't reside (reside in reality not by legal technicality).
Certainly not for local elections and even national elections are questionable since it dilutes the votes of actual residents for federal representation. This is particularly an issue in lower population states where a few thousand out of state voters can sway statewide elections.
Feb-26-2023 01:29 PM
Feb-23-2023 10:25 AM
Feb-20-2023 05:43 PM
JRscooby wrote:
Never thought about it before, but where are full timers counted on the censes?
Feb-20-2023 04:23 PM
ferndaleflyer wrote:
That’s my deal. Homes in 3 states + RV. I claim 1 as my primary residence and show up there for every election. No mail ins
Feb-20-2023 07:08 AM
Feb-20-2023 06:20 AM
Walaby wrote:
I think in order to vote in local and state elections (including Senator/Congressmen), then one should have a stick and brick residence in the state and community.