It does seem to me that we as a people have lost the ability to civilly and respectfully disagree. Something has happened in our society that has created an atmosphere where everyone wants an "Echo Chamber" of their own ideas, listening and hearing only to what one agrees with.
Disagreement is held to be Rude (no matter how civilly it's put sometimes).
I like people who hold strong opinions and beliefs but have open minds and are not intimidated by others that have equally strong opinions. People who can discuss and keep an open mind and actually reconsider their opinions in light of new facts or evidence are the wisest for sure. This seems to be a trait that is rare to non-existant now.
And so we have the Block function. A sure way to create our own little echo chamber, our own group of "like minded" individuals. God forbid should we let our ears become assaulted by new ideas or concepts or opinions we disagree with...good heavens NO! How sad.
And as for those that are just irritating or "snarky" or maybe just have an ironic or wry sense of humor, must one feel the need to block those? Are we so timid? Do we lack any semblance of self assurance?
While I have encountered a very few on this site that I believe are only here to be the class clown I have never read any comment (so far) that has been lewd, offensive or otherwise out of bounds.
The Block function is self defeating. It makes one feel superior. It Insulates. It ultimately Isolates the Blocker not the Blocked.