โMay-22-2015 11:46 AM
โMay-25-2015 06:25 PM
โMay-25-2015 05:39 PM
โMay-25-2015 04:22 PM
Sea Dog wrote:
Some people should never camp or RV.
Apparently, to them, the great out doors is not so great!
โMay-25-2015 03:58 PM
toedtoes wrote:
I agree that it should have been disclosed at check in.
Having said that, I don't think it's fraud or deception (UNLESS they purposely shut off the hot water). It's simply one of those things that can happen at any time to any park.
โMay-25-2015 10:18 AM
4X4Dodger wrote:
Well TT, your post clearly stated that hot water was optional and by clear inference that one should just accept the situation ie. not complain. Therefore that argument could be used against you if you were found complaining on the site about something else...just pointing out the possibilities for hypocrisy...thats all. But I was trying to be polite and not use the "H" word but you have forced my hand...:)
As for empathy...yes a customer may empathise but that does not change the situation and the need for the business to step up and do the right thing.
As for being specific about compensation...a bad idea. ONE; they may be willing to give you more than you expect and TWO; just the customers appearance in the office about this situation is enough they should NOT have to specifically ask. If what is offered is not felt sufficient then it's time to ask for what you think is fair.
โMay-25-2015 09:09 AM
โMay-25-2015 08:37 AM
โMay-25-2015 08:36 AM
westernrvparkowner wrote:Pangaea Ron wrote:So you would close the park and make everyone move if the hot water heater failed? What if it was an electric hot water system, do they evacuate the park every time the power flickers off in an electrical storm? Apparently a Code Commander who practices zero tolerance would require it. Thankfully, the code enforcement people around me are a bit more reasonable. I would imagine you had a lot of unhappy campers (pun intended) when you closed up RV parks and required everyone to find other accommodations because they ran out of hot water for a few minutes or hours.
I totally avoid the CG showers, unless we have several female teenagers camping with us. I love our shower with hot water in the MH.
I posted the code requirements that a CG has to provide for safe and healthful facilities for their guests. If there is no hot water, they are violating those requirements, and can be denied their opportunity to operate.
I've inspected restaurants that did not have hot water and needed to close until the situation could be corrected. A CG has similar, but probably lesser issues without hot water, and by code they need to comply, or cannot operate. There are stop-gap measures that they can use to provide hot water if repairs are not available within a reasonable time frame.
The OP did not say what repairs were required or if they were actively trying to correct the situation. The owner seemed less than coperative. Most of us are able to compensate for unoperative systems, but can persevere. When a CG can't do that there should be some
โMay-25-2015 08:16 AM
Vulcan Rider wrote:If the hot water system was broken temporarily, it surely isn't deceptive advertising to say there are hot showers. They couldn't have known the system would be broken on the day you were there when they placed their advertising 6 months earlier. As for criminalization, are you advocating putting a restaurant owner is jail because they ran out of the apple pie that was advertised on the menu? You are going to need to build a few more jails if you criminalize equipment failure or running out of something.toedtoes wrote:
But I also think that common sense AND empathy goes a long way.
I HATE deceptive marketing and I hate incompetence at any level.
Put the two together and I think it should be a criminal offense.
More information is needed but it is highly unlikely that there really is any legitimate excuse for it being down several days.
Those who defend this shoddy service are part of the problem.
โMay-25-2015 08:15 AM
Vulcan Rider wrote:toedtoes wrote:
But I also think that common sense AND empathy goes a long way.
Would you apply the same logic when talking about a business's failure to perform with something like the BP oil spill ??
So now a broken hot water heater is analogous to an oil spill?
I HATE deceptive marketing and I hate incompetence at any level.
Put the two together and I think it should be a criminal offense.
How is this deceptive advertising. Should they have issued a press release and stopped all current marketing campaigns because of a temporary mechanical issue? These slum lords should clearly be sent to prison
More information is needed but it is highly unlikely that there really is any legitimate excuse for it being down several days.
Admittedly no information but lets condemn big bad corporate park owner with no facts.
As was aptly pointed out, we as consumers get what we deserve and these days it seems to be cheap shoddy goods and incompetent service.
We know of this alleged incompetent service by the follow ups by the OP on what actually happened?
Those who defend this shoddy service are part of the problem.
Is there one bath house? Are all showers down or just the one the OP wants to use? Did it really take several days or was that an estimate so as to not deceive the OP? Maybe the shoddy service is the quality of plumbers in the area.
โMay-25-2015 08:09 AM
โMay-25-2015 05:44 AM
toedtoes wrote:
But I also think that common sense AND empathy goes a long way.
โMay-25-2015 05:17 AM
toedtoes wrote:4X4Dodger wrote:
It is this attitude that lets companies get away with shoddy service, poor quality goods, and not giving you precisely what you are paying for. I hope I never find a post of yours complaining about the service at Camping world or Good Sam RSA. It might be embarrassing. As consumers who spend our hard earned dollars on goods and services we DESERVE to get not only exactly what we pay for but also good value for money as part of the bargain. Anything less is cheating ourselves.
First off, I have NEVER said the OP shouldn't ask for a discount for the inconvenience. All I have argued is that the lack of hot water for a couple days in an RV Park is NOT the same as the lack of hot water in a hotel. Yes, in a hotel, the shower is part of the basic room rental. In an RV Park, the shower is an additional perk - just like that jacuzzi in the hotel room. Should you ask for a discount if the jacuzzi (amenity) doesn't work - SURE. Should you condemn the hotel for failing to provide their basic service - NO.
As for my being embarrassed for you to find a complaint of mine - what??? Why the H would I care if you find my complaint?
As for consumers getting what they paid for and a good value. I agree. But I also think that common sense AND empathy goes a long way. We don't even know why the hot water isn't working or how long it's been. From the OP, it appears the OP never even ASKED for a discount. Perhaps if the OP had simply asked "would you knock off $10 from the nightly rate since I can't shower until it's fixed?", the clerk would have said "no problem" or "let me talk to the manager/owner". First rule in complaints is that you should be specific in what type of compensation you want - the OP didn't even ask for compensation. Second rule is to be factual and not go off on a tangent - the "if a hotel didn't have hot water" argument is a tangent.
โMay-25-2015 05:09 AM