Jun 04, 2013Explorer
safety devices for the hearing impaired
Here is an issue that I have never seen addressed - warning devices in RVs that are for the hearing impaired. Every new RV has smoke detectors, LP gas detectors, and maybe carbon monoxide detectors. What good are they if you can't hear them? I have worn hearing aides for years as my hearing degenerated. My wife could hear the low battery beep or test beep of a device, but I could not. I recently had a cochlear ear implant, and now I can hear those devices when I am wearing my behind-the-ear transmitter unit. But at night, when I take the external part of the implant off to go to bed, I become totally deaf. I would sleep right through any of the warnings from these safety devices. I use the RV about twice as much as my wife. When she is with me, things are OK. When I am on my own, the warning devices are completely useless, at least during the night. So the question becomes, what options does a hearing impaired person have to improve the safety of staying in an RV?