pnichols wrote:
shelbyfv wrote:
Here's some fairly current info about how states rank in Federal dependency. A few different ways to figure but clearly California Federal taxpayers are subsidizing those in a majority of the other states. Strange how a state that is doing so much right can be the target of so many ignorant attacks. We've got some real bottom feeder states but we mostly feel sorry for the residents, not attack them. Not on topic, but neither are the tiresome digs about California.
Well stated .... thanks for this!
P.S. In addition to tax dollars, I believe that California supplies an awful lot of the nation's food.
In addition, California is the nation's brain-trust of geniuses working their hi-tech industry. This is a joke but I bet that without California in the count, the nation's average IQ will have a big drop
Also politics aside and relevant to the current times, California's Democratic supermajority is now on 5 consecutive years of surplus and kept a "rainy day" fund that will be useless in this crisis. And we of course know that they are not the ones harping and screaming "fiscal responsibility."